Miss Greta May 2009

Sorry I haven’t been updating Greta’s blog, but things have been hectic here. But Miss Greta is back. It is spring time in upstate NY. We experience a few sunny warm days mixed with freeze warnings at night.

So today was in the upper 60’s and sunny. As I have mentioned before, Miss Greta does better in the cool to cold weather than she does in the warm. And today appeared to be a bit too warm for her. So with that said, I will stop posting and just show you pictures of Miss Greta, taken today. My husband and myself were working out in the yard and of course Miss Greta joined us. So here she is…..







…..And here is Miss Greta looking at her ball on the ‘other’ side of her invisible fence. It is a God sent. She will NOT cross it.




I hoped you enjoyed her pictures. Miss Greta is 2 1/2 years old now and is just a big puppy. Although she is a small shepherd. She only weighs about 70 lbs, if that. But she is in very good shape.

Well, until next time, be a responsible animal owner!

Published in: on May 13, 2009 at 1:40 am  Comments (1)