Greta loves her pool and OURS!

We are now into our summertime here in upstate New York. And it is HOT! 90+ degrees. We love it but Miss Greta isn’t really a summer dog. She does play outside, and will continue to as long as we are playing with her. But we always have a “kiddie pool” filled with fresh water. When she gets hot, she goes to her pool and takes a dip.
We also have a pool for us, the humans. 🙂 And Miss Greta found a way to use our pool to play. When we are in the pool, she jumps up on the side of the pool and drops her ball in it. So then “we” have to fetch the ball and throw it out for her to catch. This can go on forever! But she will also take a dip in her own pool. Here are some pictures of her:

Well there she is! She is so funny!!!! And yes she is still is not very social when people come to visit. With Miss Greta, it is all about HER! And she is relentless when she has her ball. On July 4th, we had about 25 people over. We had to keep her inside. If we didn’t, she would be herding the kids and dropping her slimy ball all over everyone!

On hot days like this, she goes outside to play. But she also loves coming into an air conditioned house where she just sprawls out and rests.

We still feed her Eagle Pack. She is in excellent shape! Our little Chihuahua, Ren, is still with us. Mostly blind, a little stiff and can barely see. But believe it or not, he does very well. He gets a burst of energy at least once a day. I throw a little toy for him that he fetches. That lasts for about 2 to 3 throws. Then he’s done. Ren does sleep most of the time, but still eats (Eagle Pack for seniors), plays and “smiles”. He is 16 years old!

Well until the next time, be a responsible pet owner. Make sure they have plenty of fresh water when it is hot. Don’t over work or over play them in the heat. And give them ample time between feeding and playing. Strenuous playing or working should not be done right after eating. Give them about 1/2 hour.


Published in: on July 5, 2010 at 10:07 pm  Comments (1)  