August 2009 In Upstate NY

Well here we are in Upstate NY in August. One would think that it should be hot here, but that is not the case. It has rained practically all summer long.  Which is very discouraging to all of us since we wait all year to have our cookouts, our gardens and summer clothes.

Our tomato plants rotted out. Including some of our flowers. Today it is cloudy and only in the 70’s, with a high humidity and thunder storms are forecast for later today. Of course!

Miss. Greta is doing just fine. I’m sure she appreciates the cooler days as she does not do well in the heat. She still uses her pool when she is outside. And she still is on the Eagle Pack diet. Miss Greta continues with her bad behavior when people come to visit. We put her in her crate until our company is settled, then let her out. She get crazy for about 2 minutes then she settles down.

Ticks have not been a major problem for us so far this year. We have pulled out about 4 so far. We have bird feeders and Miss Greta love chasing them. She also loves chasing the squirrels and chipmunks. Speaking of chipmunks, we have many. There are holes everywhere. So we invested in a cage to catch them in. When we catch them, we drive them about a mile from our house and release them in the woods. We have caught 2 so far and are working on the third.

I took a video of Miss Greta today on my new Flip Video Camcorder. I love it. It is no bigger than my cell phone and I highly recommend it to everyone. So with that said, here is her new video:

Hope you enjoyed Miss Greta’s little video. Next time I will take a little video of Ren, our chihuahua. Yes he is still with us. He will be 14 years old. Considering his age, he is doing pretty well. He sleeps quite a bit and is a bit deaf. But all and all, he’s doing fine.

Well, until next time, enjoy the rest of your summer and be a responsible pet owner.:)